Walk Unit

Temps debout journalier augmenté de 596%
Passage FAC 1 à FAC 4 Instantanément catégorie Functional Ambulatory
Score utilisabilité 91 résultat Best Imaginable

Be among the first to offer it

Walk unit

We built for you a disruptive care unit combining unique proprietary technologies (4 Patents)

Walk Unit

Therapy Lifebloom One

Equipped with the walk unit,
prescribe a breakthrough therapy to all patients in need of it

Enable patients

Patients instantly recover the ability to stand up and walk safely outside rehabilitation sessions thanks to Oxilio.

to walk on their own…

Provide a unique medical device combining the best of exoskeletons and wheelchairs, soon to become iconic.

Vivre debout en autonomie au quotidien

…and live on their feet

Hands free for greater autonomy in daily activities

Compact and agile for easy indoor mobility

Engineered for everyday life

“What an incredible experience! Oxilio reacts dynamically to my movements, it is ultra responsive and provides exceptional mobility, such a smooth riding!” - Stroke patient

Se mettre debout marcher en sécurité dispositif médical exosquelette fauteuil roulant

Make 100% Gait Recovery Potential Accessible

Right Effort

Personalisable and upgradable

Active Control

Body is in command

Right Movements


Standing, walking and sitting, every move are rehabilitative

Upgrade rehabilitation sessions

From one session to the next, therapists take control over continuous rehabilitation

Know it all

With the autonomous walk analysis labs

Laboratoire Analyse Marche Autonome

Focus on efficiency
and specific movements

Patients are secured

Mouvements spécifiques rééducation patients sécurisés

Adjust the intensity

Upgrade custom programs
Decrease strength and balance assistances

Programme rééducation et assistance personnalisable

See more patients, longer

See multiple patients, place them in front of
personalized programs, carry group sessions…

Augment rehabilitation

Unlock time and space dimensions of
gait rehabilitation between sessions with Safety

“With Lifebloom One, frail patients are active and exercise on their own with no fear of falling.”


“If the patient feels he is falling, the device will support him back to a seated position, and therefore he can't have polytrauma.”

Neurorehabilitation Doctor

“We tell ourselves we are not risking anything since Oxilio secures us. The attention we used to pay on not falling can be placed on something else. I tried to fall with Oxilio, I can confirm we cannot fall!”

Stroke Patient

Empower Patients
Everywhere, Everytime

Assistance antigravitaire aide marche équilibre

Maximize motivation
With purpose and data

Motivation patient auto-rééducation objectif journalier suivi performance
Réduction dépendance aux soins soutien quotidien des soignants

Ease and enhance caregivers’
day-to-day support to patients

Reduced dependency care needs

Convenient transfers

Simple daily activity follow up dashboard

A solution for a wide panel of indications and situations

Stroke, Spinal Cord Injuries, Fractures, Post-Fall Syndrome, Traumatisms

Accidents AVC Lésions de la moelle épinière Fractures Syndrome post-chute Traumatismes

Inactivity, frailty, ageing,
sarcopenia …

Déconditionnement Inactivité Fragilité Vieillissement Sarcopénie

Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoarticular Disorders, Disabling Sciatica, Guillain-Barré …

Maladies Maladie de Parkinson Sclérose en plaques Troubles ostéoarticulaires Sciatique invalidante Syndrome de Guillain-Barré


Mobilisation précoce Post-chirurgie

Lifebloom One is indicated for patients who have at least a partial function of the lower limbs with difficulty or inability to stand and/or walk unaided, including those with upper limb impairment or cognitive disorders.

Preliminary clinical results are exceptional

With Lifebloom One, stroke inpatients bound to a wheelchair recovered their ability to walk on their own (from Fac 1 to Fac 4) and live on their feet (daily standing time multiplied by 6).

Passage FAC 1 à FAC 4 Instantanément catégorie Functional Ambulatory
Temps debout journalier augmenté de 596%
Graphe Etude Clinique Résultats Exceptionnels
Légende Temps passé debout journalier
Eléonore Bayen Professeure médecine physique et réadaptation

“Following the clinical trial exceptional efficacy results, we ordered a Walk Unit to provide the Lifebloom One therapy to our inpatients.”

We designed the Walk Unit for you

Provide a game-changer patient care pathway
To fill the gap when a walker is not enough

Unité de la marche parcours de soin révolutionnaire

With a walk unit

Unité de la marche augmenter Qualité de vie Efficacité Sécurité Résultats cliniques

The Future of Walk Assistance and Gait Rehabilitation is here

be among the first to offer it