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Walk on your own, live on your feet and more

Proven by results

Passage FAC 1 à FAC 4 Instantanément catégorie Functional Ambulatory
Temps debout journalier augmenté de 596%

Care facility

Equip your center with a Walk Unit, prescribe the Therapy Lifebloom One,
enable wheelchair bound patients to stand up, walk, live upright
and exercise on their own, anytime

be among the first to offer it

Home & daily life

Stay tuned for Lifebloom at home

Be the first in line

Best imaginable usability

Lifebloom One scored 91 on the System Usability Scale level « Best Imaginable ».
A unique R&D approach carried hand in hand with patients and clinicians leads to
the invention of brilliant frictionless solutions to answer the needs for maximum value creation.

An alternative to wheelchair placement loved by patients

Hundreds of patients recovered their ability to walk on their own with Lifebloom One

Praised by clinicians

A breakthrough care unit primed by prestigious innovation awards :

Hauts de France Innovation Développement
eit Health
HEC Paris
Funded by the European Union
National Academy Of Medecine
Fondation Norbert Ségard
Région Hauts De France
Institut Pasteur de Lille
BPI France
La French Tech
European Union Intellectual Office
Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle
Prix Galien USA Nominee 2024
France 2030
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation
Ministère de la santé et de la prévention
Hôpitaux Universitaires Pitié Salpêtrière Charles Foix
Business France
CHU Lille

In the press

The Future of Walk Assistance and Gait Rehabilitation is here